John Gavin (father)

Gavin Children

Gavin Children

Francie Gavin

Martin Gavin

Joanna Gavin

Francie Gavin

Joanna Gavin

Brigitte (Big Girl) and John Gavin

Martin Gavin

John Gavin and Sons

Belfast Traveller Site

Rosie Gavin, Belfast Traveller Site

Mag Gavin

Mag Gavin with husband, Patrick Joyce and first born, Caroline

Gavin Family

Hannah Gavin (mother)

Patrick Joyce

John and Hannah Gavin

Gavin sisters and Francie's wife, Kathleen in background

Mag and Patrick

Mag and Patrick and children leaving the Belfast Site

Rosie and Joanna Gavin

John and Hannah Gavin with a grandchild

Hannah at the gravesite of her daughter Caroline killed by a hit and run driver

Martin and the boys at the Belfast Traveller Site

Joanna Gavin

Mag Gavin

John Gavin

Francie Gavin's son, Francie

Kathleen Gavin, Francie's wife

Francie's chalet was burned down after his death

Joanna Gavin

Joanna and Kathleen and Kathleen's children

John showing his gunshot wounds

Francie Gavin

Joanna with Francie's children

John Gavin at Francie's Grave

Dooley Gavin, John's wife

John Gavin (after being released from prison) with Mag's children

Caroline Gavin (Mag and Patrick's daughter)

John and Patrick

Brian Gavin, Francie's son, House, Belfast

Francie Gavin, House, Belfast

Hannah Gavin, House, Belfast