Chechen Refugees living in a chicken factory, Ingushetia
Chechen sisters living in a pig farm, Ingushetia
Chechen refugees living in an abandoned house, Ingushetia
Karabulak Camp, Ingushetia
Photograph of Kheda on the family tent, Karabulak Camp, Ingushetia
Visa Kungaeva, Kheda's father, Ingushetia.
Rosa and Visa Kungaeva with photos of Kheda that they received after her body was recovered from a shallow grave, Ingushetia
Kheda's sister, Khavazhi, Ingushtia
Kheda's sister, Khaza, Ingushetia
Rosa Kungaeva, Ingushetia.
Sisters (searching for their father) who came from Chechnya to give Amnesty International their testimony, safe house
Chechens victims of torture waiting to give their testimonies, safe house, Ingushetia.
Woman giving testimony to Amnesty International, Ingushetia
Astemir Murdalov with letters he has written in an attempt to find his son who ‘disappeared’ in January 2001, Memorial Human Rights Center, Ingushetia.
Chechen Woman gives testimony to Amnesty International, (husband missing), Tsotsyn-Yurt
Chechen woman with photograph of her murdered son (still missing), Ingushetia
Bart Camp, Ingushetia
Border between Inigushetia and Chechnya